Carbon Credits for Banks

New Revenue Streams for Banks

Carbon credits represent a new fee-based revenue stream for banks. Triangle’s platform links sourced data from the bank’s customers to partner D-MRV (Digital Measurement, Reporting & Verification) methodologies to verify and evaluate impact. and certify compliance for the issuance of carbon credits.

See our Indication Board

Carbon Credits are an Inevitability and Banks serve as a facilitator of the market.

Driven by TCFD Compliance, Sustainability-linked Bond Market, Fines (EPA, LL97) and new Regulations (ie. CBAM) carbon credits are in the process of evolving from a cottage industry to an institutional market that requires regulated tools for provide confidence and transparency.  

Banks rotate into Sustainable Loans to reduce borrowing costs

Carbon credits become an important tool to achieve TCFD Compliance and realize the cost of borrowing benefits from the sustainability-linked bond market. Banks, and their customers, can use carbon credits to increase profitability and improve risk management.

Measurement & Verification Delivering
Compliance & Asset Custody

Once the Measurement and Verification process is certified by a D-MRV partner, Triangle creates fungible carbon credit for the bank’s customers in our Asset Factory. Once minted and the newly minted carbon credits are added to our Sustainability-linked Asset Registry for future audit and verification.

Manage and Mint Assets at Scale

With assets from the field, customer can mint carbon credits and RECs, and hold these in custody at the bank  and can be sold in the market or held for price appreciation.

Custody: Triangle mints RECs and Carbon Credits for our customers so they can custody them and use them for compliance.

Indication Board:  Once assets are minted, they can be posted on Triangle’s indication board to sell.  Buyers can purchase carbon credits/RECs through our the platform for their compliance needs.